Por qué necesitamos una conciencia textual
Sigo con mis preparativos del curso de verano, y al leer el libro Teaching Language in Context de Beverly Derewianka and Pauline Jones (muy recomendable, aunque no del todo fácil) me encuentro con una conversación (probablemente inventada) entre un alumno y un profesor. Independientemente de que sea o no real, es una conversación que seguramente hemos tenido como alumnos o como profesores, y que ilustra muy bien la necesidad de desarrollar una conciencia lingüística: Student: You've written on my assignment 'Not clear. Could do better.' But I don't understand why it wasn't clear and how I could do better. Teacher: Well, read it again. It just didn't sound right. Student: But I've corrected all the spelling and punctuation - and you still say it isn't clear. Why did I only get a C and Steven got an A? Teacher: Well, Seven wrote in a more lively way and organised his ideas better. Student: But no one ever taught me how to do that. Lo que...